Support our GLOW team members who are doing the work of the ministry and serving as “boots on the ground” in this difficult time.  Any support will be given towards their monthly stipend for living or towards extra expenses incurred. You can specify who you’d like to support on our giving page.

Tanya and Dan Andronic

Serving in Romania as house parents in the GLOW Refugee House for aged- out orphans and other refugees.

Tanya and Dan are Slavic Americans (Russian and English speaking) that GLOW has sent to be missionaries and serve as house parents to our house for refugees in Romania. They have made a year commitment to serve our aged-out Ukrainian orphans (teens/young adults) who fled Ukraine due to the war. Their family of 4 lives in our “GLOW Home” we rented in Ploiesti, Romania with 12 refugees. Please pray for them to have wisdom and all the resources needed to lead these young people well.

Maksim Dyomkin

Serving “babushkas,” widows and elderly, in the Chernobyl region with food and care. Also, distributing food and overseeing rebuilding efforts throughout Ukraine

Maksim is a minister and GLOW team member who cares for our “babushkas” (“grandmas,” widows and elderly) in two villages near Chernobyl. He visits and takes food packages and medical supplies to them, and supports them through life’s difficulties. Please pray for Maksim’s safety as he travels to these remote areas, and for God to help him help these precious people through the fears and terror of these times.

Sergey and Vika Lysak

Serving in Kyiv, Irpin, Bucha and surrounding areas with emergency relief, food packages, and leading teams that are building and restoring homes.

Sergey is a local pastor in Kyiv, Ukraine. He and his family are currently serving Kyiv and the surrounding area by meeting immediate physical needs such as food, water, medicine, portable stove tops and generators. He and his team are involved with the process of rebuilding with a focus on replacing roofs and broken windows and replacing destroyed homes with prefab modular houses.  Please pray for protection and enduring strength for Sergey and his team as they encounter the horrific aftermath of war in their efforts to rebuild.

Igor Baidak and Oleh Hrinkov/Odessa Team

Serving the Odessa region through evacuations, humanitarian aid and spiritual support.

Igor and Oleh are passionate ministers in Odessa, Ukraine. Their team runs a rehabilitation center, serves the homeless and the poor in villages, and runs  outreaches for children and needy families, aiming to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the most desperate around them.  Their team was already serving strong before the war, and since it started, they have expanded their reach to include frequent evacuations to Moldova, delivering humanitarian aid, all while exemplifying and delivering the gospel message. Please pray for their protection, provision and encouragement as they serve in the midst of war.  

Tanya Kurilo

Serving aged out orphans in Ukraine and providing support for those who have adopted Ukrainian children in the US through counseling and camps.

Tanya serves as the Director of Orphan Care. She has been working with orphans and aged out orphans for over 20 years, and serves as a mentor to GLOW’s group of orphan grads.  She also provides counseling for the families that have adopted from Ukraine, helping to navigate through problems and cultural differences.  Please pray for Tanya to have the wisdom she needs to advise young people and families through relational and life challenges. She and her husband, Kostya, have recently come to live in America as Ukrainian refugees.

Dar and Andrew Draper

Directors of the GLOW Mission, overseeing all operations from the US base while also serving abroad.

Dar and Andrew are currently based in North Carolina after being evacuated from their home in Kyiv, Ukraine due to the war.  They have been serving orphans and people of Ukraine since 2016.  They oversee the daily operations of each facet of GLOW, providing support to team leaders and their respective  humanitarian projects.  While stateside, a main goal is to raise awareness, visiting churches and individuals in order to raise funds for GLOW’s efforts throughout Ukraine.  Please pray for wisdom and direction for the Drapers as they lead during this unique time.  

If you would like to have Dar and Andrew speak at your church or group/ meet with them, please contact us. 

Tony and Lauren Wagoner

Serving as Director and Pastor of Camp Glow in North Carolina, discipling families and individuals through creativity and relationship

Tony and Lauren Wagoner are Pastor and Director of Camp Glow in NC. They are two people who love Jesus heart and soul and long to see His name spread to every child of God. They are parents to 5 kiddos who really love and value family. God took their past years of pastoring and photography and combined them together to form their deep love of discipling in creative ways. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as they lead at Camp Glow.