Adopt a Grandma

Caring for our widows and needy elderly in two communities near Chernobyl.

One of the greatest needs we have been confronted with is caring for the aged in Ukraine. Many have been abandoned by their families and live on government pensions of only $50-$80 dollars a month although this is changing and due to the war the government is reducing these pensions. GLOW team member, Maksim Dyomkin has built a team that ministers to these precious elders, meeting their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Your gifts to our beloved “babushkas” (grandmas) have provided warmth (through firewood), nursing care and other necessities. Most importantly, they experience the love of family and of God.

In February 2024 we launched our “Adopt a Grandma” project. We have 60 Grandmas and Grandpas to be adopted at $60 per month. Join us in adopting a Ukrainian Grandma (Babushka) or Grandpa (Dadushka) or do it with someone else (share the love), or even as a family!  You can sign up for recurring/monthly giving under the fund “Adopt a Grandma” and then write Dar (dar@glowmission.org) to learn more specifics about the grandma you are adopting. Your funds will ALL go directly into the monthly support to care for their medical needs, food, transportation, hygiene products, etc. 

Suggested Sponsorship: $60 per month or a one time gift

Give now to Adopt a Grandma

Give now:  Widows and Elderly Support